Refinancing Conversion

  • Refinancing of existing ECB: The designated AD Category I bank may allow refinancing of existing ECB by raising fresh ECB provided the outstanding maturity of the original borrowing (weighted outstanding maturity in case of multiple borrowings) is not reduced and all-in-cost of fresh ECB is lower than the all-in-cost (weighted average cost in case of multiple borrowings) of existing ECB. Further, refinancing of ECBs raised under the previous ECB framework may also be permitted, subject to additionally ensuring that the borrower is eligible to raise ECB under the extant framework. Raising of fresh ECB to part refinance the existing ECB is also permitted subject to same conditions. Indian banks are permitted to participate in refinancing of existing ECB, only for highly rated corporates (AAA) and for Maharatna/Navratna public sector undertakings.
  • Conversion of ECB into equity: Conversion of ECBs, including those which are matured but unpaid, into equity is permitted subject to the following conditions:
  1. The activity of the borrowing company is covered under the automatic route for FDI or Government approval is received, wherever applicable, for foreign equity participation as per extant FDI policy.
  2. The conversion, which should be with the lender’s consent and without any additional cost, should not result in contravention of eligibility and breach of applicable sector cap on the foreign equity holding under FDI policy;
  3. Applicable pricing guidelines for shares are complied with;
  4. In case of partial or full conversion of ECB into equity, the reporting to the Reserve Bank will be as under:
    1. For partial conversion, the converted portion is to be reported in Form FC-GPR prescribed for reporting of FDI flows, while monthly reporting to DSIM in Form ECB 2 Return will be with suitable remarks, viz., “ECB partially converted to equity”.
    1. For full conversion, the entire portion is to be reported in Form FC-GPR, while reporting to DSIM in Form ECB 2 Return should be done with remarks “ECB fully converted to equity”. Subsequent filing of Form ECB 2 Return is not required.
    1. For conversion of ECB into equity in phases, reporting through Form FC-GPR and Form ECB  2 Return will also be in phases.
  5. If the borrower concerned has availed of other credit facilities from the Indian banking system, including foreign branches/subsidiaries of Indian banks, the applicable prudential guidelines issued by the Department of Banking Regulation of Reserve Bank, including guidelines on restructuring are complied with;
  6. Consent of other lenders, if any, to the same borrower is available or atleast information regarding conversions is exchanged with other lenders of the borrower.
  7. For conversion of ECB dues into equity, the exchange rate prevailing on the date of the agreement between the parties concerned for such conversion or any lesser rate can be applied with a mutual agreement with the ECB lender. It may be noted that the fair value of the equity shares to be issued shall be worked out with reference to the date of conversion only.
  • Security for raising ECB: AD Category I banks are permitted to allow creation/ cancellation of charge on immovable assets, movable assets, financial securities and issue of corporate and/ or personal guarantees in favour of overseas lender / security trustee, to secure the ECB to be raised / raised by the borrower, subject to satisfying themselves that:
  • the underlying ECB is in compliance with the extant ECB guidelines,
  • there exists a security clause in the Loan Agreement requiring the ECB borrower to create/ cancel charge, in favour of overseas lender / security trustee, on immovable assets / movable assets / financial securities / issuance of corporate and / or personal guarantee, and
  • No objection certificate, as applicable, from the existing lenders in India has been obtained in case of creation of charge.

Once the aforesaid stipulations are met, the AD Category I bank may permit creation of charge on immovable assets, movable assets, financial securities and issue of corporate and / or personal guarantees, during the currency of the ECB with security co-terminating with underlying ECB, subject to the following:

  1. Creation of Charge on Immovable Assets: The arrangement shall be subject to the following:
    1. Such security shall be subject to provisions contained in the Foreign Exchange Management (Acquisition and Transfer of Immovable Property in India) Regulations, 2000.
    1. The permission should not be construed as a permission to acquire immovable asset (property) in India, by the overseas lender/ security trustee.
    1. In the event of enforcement / invocation of the charge, the immovable asset/ property will have to be sold only to a person resident in India and the sale proceeds shall  be repatriated to liquidate the outstanding ECB.
    1. Creation of Charge on Movable Assets: In the event of enforcement/ invocation of the charge, the claim of the lender, whether the lender takes over the movable asset or otherwise, will be restricted to the outstanding claim against the ECB. Encumbered movable assets may also be taken out of the country subject to getting ‘No Objection Certificate’ from domestic lender/s, if any.
    1. Creation of Charge over Financial Securities: The arrangements may be permitted subject to the following:
      1. Pledge of shares of the borrowing company held by the promoters as well as in domestic associate companies of the borrower is permitted. Pledge on other financial securities, viz. bonds and debentures, Government Securities, Government Savings Certificates, deposit receipts of securities and units of the Unit Trust of India or of any mutual funds, standing in the name of ECB borrower/promoter, is also permitted.
      1. In addition, security interest over all current and future loan assets and all current assets including cash and cash equivalents, including Rupee accounts of the borrower with ADs in India, standing in the name of the borrower/promoter, can be used as security for ECB.

The Rupee accounts of the borrower/promoter can also be in the form of escrow arrangement or debt service reserve account.

  • In case of invocation of pledge, transfer of financial securities shall be in accordance with the extant FDI/FII policy including provisions relating to sectoral cap and pricing as applicable read with the Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue of Security by a Person Resident outside India) Regulations, 2000.
    • Issue of Corporate or Personal Guarantee: The arrangement shall be subject to the following:
      • A copy of Board Resolution for the issue of corporate guarantee for the company issuing such guarantee, specifying name of the officials authorised to execute such guarantees on behalf of the company or in individual capacity should be obtained.
      • Specific requests from individuals to issue personal guarantee indicating details of the ECB should be obtained.
      • Such security shall be subject to provisions contained in the Foreign Exchange Management (Guarantees) Regulations, 2000.
      • ECB can be credit enhanced / guaranteed / insured by overseas party/ parties only if it/ they fulfil/s the criteria of recognised lender under extant ECB guidelines.
  1. Additional Requirements: While permitting changes under the delegated powers, the AD Category I banks should ensure that:
  2. The changes permitted are in conformity with the applicable ceilings / guidelines and the ECB continues to be in compliance with applicable guidelines. It should also be ensured that if the ECB borrower has availed of credit facilities from the Indian banking system, including foreign branches/subsidiaries of Indian banks, any extension of tenure of ECB (whether matured or not) shall be subject to applicable prudential guidelines issued by Department of Banking Regulation of Reserve Bank including guidelines on restructuring.
  3. The changes in the terms and conditions of ECB allowed by the ADs under the powers delegated and / or changes approved by the Reserve Bank should be reported to the DSIM through revised Form ECB at the earliest, in any case not later than 7 days from the changes effected. While submitting revised Form ECB to the DSIM, the changes should be specifically mentioned in the communication. Further, these changes should also get reflected in the Form ECB 2 returns appropriately.